Draymond Green is one of the biggest superstars to come out of the Tom Izzo school of basketball. So, is Green interested, in some point, in coaching at Michigan State?

Green is thriving in the NBA, but there will come a time when he has to, or wants to, retire. Izzo will definitely have to retire at some point. Izzo is 69 years old, and he’s deserved the right to stay at Michigan State as long as he wishes, but he’s getting to that point where every year, people wonder if it will be the final year for Izzo at MSU.

Is Draymond Green Interested in Coaching at Michigan State?

Draymond Green recently opened up about whether he’d want to start coaching at Michigan State and even fill Izzo’s footsteps at some point.

“I love Michigan State so much. Michigan State is a part of me, and I will always be a part of the program, but I’m just not sure I can coach Michigan State,” Green said via Yahoo! Sports.

He continued, explaining why he wouldn’t want to coach at Michigan State or any other college, for that matter.

“Chasing around high school kids whose parents think they are the best thing since sliced bread and trying to tell me what I should do for their kid… I’m not sure I can really do that,” he said. “And also I’ve been on a basketball schedule all my life, and I don’t think people know what that entails… Being a coach, their schedule is actually worse than mine and my schedule sucks!”

I don’t blame him. Parents can be really difficult when it comes to sports. As the head basketball coach, you’re expected to meet with parents and potential players and court them. You also have to answer lots of questions from parents, both during the courting time and during their time playing in college. It takes a lot of time, and Green has earned the right to enjoy some time when he decides to leave the NBA.

So, it appears Green won’t take over for Izzo at Michigan State. I’m actually a bit sad about it. Izzo is such a massive personality, and I think it’ll take an equally big personality to fill his shoes. Green is controversial, but he’s a larger-than-life personality, and I like that about him. Maybe he’ll reconsider the whole college coaching thing and come back to Michigan State to fulfill what seems like it could be his destiny.

Actually, another player who could fill Izzo’s shoes and might be interested in coaching at Michigan State is the famed Mateen Cleaves, who was the star player on the 2000 championship team. He’s very high-profile and attends lots of Michigan State’s game. He’s also super close with Izzo to this day. Whenever Michigan State heads to the NCAA run, Cleaves is always there. So, he would also be a great fit.