Are you wondering which team has spent the most during the NFL offseason? If you want to have a winning NFL team, you have to put your money where you mouth is, as they say. So, during the NFL offseason, some teams have been spending a lot, either to bring on new talent or retain their current top players.

Which Team Has Spent the Most During the NFL Offseason?

All of this offseason spending is a necessary move, but sometimes, it can be a little daunting just seeing how much your favorite team is spending, because that means they won’t have as much money to spend down the road.

Before we get to the team that spent the most during the NFL offseason, let’s look at the team that spent the least. The experts at has put together some research on the amount of spending each NFL team has done during the offseason. It’s pretty shocking which team spent the least, actually. It’s the Dallas Cowboys. Why is that so surprising? Well, they didn’t have a great season, and you know that’s unacceptable for the Dallas Cowboys. So, it would make sense that the Cowboys would spend a lot during the offseason to try to improve. But, they didn’t. They spend justĀ $93.4 million, making them the only team not to hit the nine-figure mark. How crazy is that? The Cowboys are going to have to hope they can turn things around without a lot of financial help.

Now, which team has spent the most during the NFL offseason? It’s the Detroit Lions, allocating nearly $626.5 million into future spending. Looking at some other big spenders, the Philadelphia Eagles were No. 1 at $558.1 million in spending and the Carolina Panthers were No. 3 at $456.9 million. Finally, the New England Patriots at $418.3 million and Jacksonville Jaguars at $413.2 million rounded out the top five, respectively. So, if you’re wondering which team has spent the most during the NFL offseason, those are the top five teams.

Will all this spending mean wins for these teams? Time will tell. But, it probably won’t hurt. It was imperative to these teams to bring on new, expensive talent or retain some of their best players before another team picked them up. So, all the spending, even if it seems high, was really needed.

Also, the most expensive free agent of 2024 is no surprise: Kirk Cousins, who went from the Vikings to the Falcons. The new Atlanta Falcons quarterback garnered $180 million, followed by Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle Christian Wilkins at $110 million and Carolina Panthers offensive lineman Robert Hunt at $100 million. Cousins is reportedly bringing his brand of sports-dad to the Falcons. “I’ll quote ‘Heavyweights’ with Ben Stiller, and it’s just crickets,” he told Yahoo Sports. “I’ll get a laugh from way over in the other side of the locker room from [32-year-old] Jake Matthews because he knows the reference.”